Hubbell Haven

27012 West 21st Street
Hubbell, MI 49934
Assisted Living

Hubbell Haven has been serving the community for over thirty years. Current management has owned Hubbell Haven for two years. Hubbell Haven is a compassionate, warm, friendly home in Hubbell, Michigan providing residents a safe, friendly and secure family environment.

Primary care givers are on staff at all times, helping residents with general aging issues, developmental disabilities and mental illness. Our staff prepare wholesome healthy meals, administer medication, make sure residents are dressed appropriately, provide guidance, emotional support and protection. We provide transportation to medical appointments.

Hubbell Haven provides a full time 24/7 home for up to nine residents at a time. Rooms are available for Respite Care, whether thats one day, a weekend or a month, providing a break for primary care givers.

Our rooms are more spacious than normal. We offer discounts for married couples and siblings who desire to room together.