Legal Matters

Legal Matters

Just when seniors should be able to relax and enjoy their lives, they are faced with an array of decisions about their future. Perhaps the most important decisions of all are those that revolve around legal affairs, including healthcare and financial planning. For several reasons, it’s important to make make these arrangements now — rather than later when circumstances may dictate your choices and your options may become limited.

Of course, the most important legal document you should create a Will, but there are at least three others that are crucial to you and your family: a Living Will (or Advanced Healthcare Directive), a Durable Power of Attorney for Finances, and a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare.

You may want to consult an Elder Law Attorney, or there are multiple resources online that can help you navigate through the legal waters. We have included some excellent resources here, and are adding new ones on a regular basis.

Whatever you decide, act soon. Get the tough stuff out of the way so you can enjoy your senior years — the best years of your life.