A Bright Future Care Home

4136 Singing Tree Way
Antelope, CA 95843
Alzheimer’s and Memory Care

At A Bright Future Care Home in Antelope, CA we strive to provide the highest quality of care to residents. A staff of fully trained and highly qualified staff provides a number of varying levels of individual care for our residents. The main focus being on creating an environment of safety and personalized care supporting independence, maintaining physical, mental, and emotional health is the primary goal of care providers. Residents are invited to flourish in social and recreational activities that promote healthy and active living.

We hire wonderful caregivers who love their jobs and are sweet and incredibly nice! Our highly qualified staff members are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We even have a nurse and a medical doctor-on-call, for further safety and security. Our small community allows the senior to receive the unique, personalized care that they deserve.

A Bright Future Care Home is very secure and located in a lovely quiet neighborhood. There is a lovely wrap around deck so our residents can enjoy the fresh air and tranquility of the surroundings.

Thank you for your interest at Bright Future Care Home. Please give us a call to schedule a free tour.