Guest Post
If health is wealth, we must take care of our bodies if we wish to avoid disease and live rich, full lives. Taking care of our bodies makes us feel good and gives us energy for our day-to-day activity.
Our daily intake of food nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, is our basic source of physical energy. However, most people don't consume enough healthy foods to supply the optimum level of nutrients. That's why supplements are needed to fill the gap.
The right diet depends on what and how much your body needs to fuel your physical and mental activities. Different age and gender groups require different supplements. Here is a brief overview:
Man and women have specific health needs. Men usually have larger bodies to support, and often are are often expected to do physical labor for sustained amounts of time.
For men who actively exercise, Cannabidiol is a great supplement to help speed recovery. Check out sites such as this one: https://www.cheefbotanicals.com/.
Here are some additional supplement suggestions:
- Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps your immune system stay strong and has even been suggested as a defense against the COVID-19 virus.
- Vitamin A: Insufficient Vitamin A leads to night blindness and other serious eye and vision problems.
- Potassium: Potassium is one of the key nutrients that keep our bodies functioning correctly. If your muscles are cramping or you’re suffering from constipation, numbness in your extremities or even adult acne, you may want to consider a supplement.
- Calcium: Body, brain, and bones. One nutrient that plays a critical part in the health of all three is calcium. Calcium has multiple functions, and calcium deficiency can cause problems that can be difficult to diagnose.
- Magnesium: Magnesium deficiency causes loss of appetite, physical sickness, and fatigue. In more severe cases, numbness, seizures, and abnormal heart rhythms may become prevalent.
- Zinc: Zinc plays an important part in cell development, the healing of wounds, and overall well being, including sexual health.
Woman are most often the caregivers within families, and, even if not also in the workforce, can easily suffer mental and physical exhaustion without ever leaving the house. Additionally, their nutrient intake can be limited by their busy schedules. Meals often consist of unhealthy instant or to-go foods.
The nutritional needs of women are different than those of men. And, aside from their health, we live in a society where women are still expected more than men to take care of their skin, hair and overall appearance.
Here are some supplement suggestions that may help women stay strong and healthy:
- Iron: Too little iron in the diet interferes with hemoglobin production, leading to tiredness, weakness, shortness of breath, headaches, hair and skin damage and a host of other maladies.
- Folate: Lack of folate can cause tiredness, weakness, and neuropathy, that tingling feeling in your extremities..
- Iodine; Your body does not make iodine, and iodine deficiency can cause thyroid problems.
- Vitamin E: Vitamin E deficiency is rare, but can cause muscle weakness and even difficulty walking.
- Calcium and Vitamin D: As women grow older, many are plagued with osteoporosis, which is caused in part by a lack of sufficient calcium and Vitamin D in the diet. Supplements can help.
- Vitamin C: Deficiency is rare in developed countries, but it can cause serious problems with your skin and hair if it goes unchecked—among other general health problems. In developed countries, it's rare to lack important nutrients. But if you do, your skin and hair can suffer. That's where CellaBeauty comes in. It has Vitamin C, which helps make your skin bright, even, and firm. Just like how missing nutrients can harm you, missing Vitamin C can harm your skin. CellaBeauty Reviews show it works. Try it now for healthier skin and hair!
- Probiotics: These are “good” bacteria that promote balance in the gut, reducing the severity of digestive disorders. It also helps with weight loss and boosts the immune system. Probiotics are often found in fermented foods and feminine probiotic health supplements, which aid digestion and support good vaginal and urinary tract health.
Our health generally deteriorates as we age because our systems weaken. Our appetite may not be as robust as it once was. Supplementing our diets will help our bodies stay stronger, longer. Seniors should take care of their health so they will live long enough to meet their great-grandchildren. Here are some supplement suggestions:
- Dietary Fiber: Gut health is a very hot topic now. Researchers are finding that the origins of many common ailments can be traced back to a lack of beneficial bacteria within our digestive systems.
- Potassium: see potassium under “Men”
- Vitamin B12: A deficiency in Vitamin B12 is one of the world’s leading nutritional deficiencies. Seniors seem more likely to acquire this inadequacy, along with its accompanying symptoms such as tiredness, weakness, and memory loss. If your appetite has been compromised or if you are a vegan, supplementing may be the best way to get sufficient amounts of B12 in your diet.
- Calcium: See Calcium under “Men”
- Vitamin D: See Vitamin D under “Men”
- Omega 3-fats: Recent research has revealed that Omega 3 may not help those with atrial fibrillation, as once thought, but may be helpful in combatting skin irritation, hair loss, joint pain and stiffness, and even depression.
So, what type of supplement should you take? There are three different types of supplements: semi-synthetic, synthetic, and natural.
- Semi-synthetic supplements usually come from natural sources and are then processed chemically to enhance the effectiveness.
- Synthetic supplements are created artificially.
- Natural supplements are derived completely from natural or organic sources like plants.
Most people usually prefer natural supplements, believing that semi-synthetic and synthetic supplements may be harmful because of added chemicals. If you decide to use natural organic supplements, there are things that you still need to think about:
Know What You Need: You have to know what your body needs to know what to take. Remember, if you are taking something different from what your body needs, it will not be effective in improving your health.
Learn Everything About Your Supplement: What are the ingredients? Where did it come from? Who manufactured it? Is it labeled correctly? Is all information available? Always check the label.
Make Sure It Is Approved: Although it's natural, make sure it has been tested and approved by authorized, credible agencies.
Remember to take care of your health. If you don’t, who will?
This content is for informational purposes only and is not meant to replace the guidance of your licensed healthcare practitioner. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information and products are meant for general use only and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or provide medical advice. Any decision to use supplements to support your specific needs should be considered in partnership with your licensed healthcare practitioner. Any questions you may have concerning your use of drugs, medications, or supplements should be directed to your healthcare provider.