Llewellyn Magnolia Place

8912 W. Lane
Magnolia, TX 77354
Alzheimer’s and Memory Care

Trained caregivers provide assisted living care by providing assistance with medication management, and activities of daily living with dementia. Specifically designed memory care environment and trained staff assure you that our residents with memory impairments are safe and cared for with personal and compassionate care. We know everyone prefers to be in the comfort of their own home. So, we work to make our facilities as homely as possible, and so much more.Our facility is licensed to provide care to residents who may be frail or are just unable to stay home alone and also to residents who may have Alzheimer’s and Dementia.


To provide the best professional service and quality care daily to our residents
Trained staff,
secured backyard,
secured doors, requiring a code to enter or exit.