Lake Country Assisted Living

7505 Lochwood Ct
Fort Worth, TX 76179
Alzheimer’s and Memory Care


At Lake Country Assisted Living we know the most important part of what we provide is care to residents and peace of mind for their families. Our staff is hired with careful review and consideration for their desire to work in a close setting with the elderly, the ill and those with dementia. All are selected for their competence, positive attitude and professional conduct, as well as their belief in the basic dignity of every person. Careful attention is dedicated to staff training, development, and retention. All our care providers are CNA-certified.

Staff respond to resident needs for independent activity and one-on-one interaction. From the day of admission, our staff works closely with residents, families, physicians, consultants and other healthcare providers to develop, implement and routinely review each resident’s care plan. Staffing patterns are set to provide the time needed for resident care, as well as to assure our home is well-maintained for the variety of circumstances that might arise.