Belle Reve Senior Living

404 East Harford Street
Milford, PA 18337
Alzheimer’s and Memory Care

The health care needs of seniors vary widely and often increase over time. The skilled nursing center provides both long and short term care for those recovering from surgery or illnesses. The facility is licensed by the PA Department of Health and is Medicare certified.

The rehabilitation department provides on-site physical, occupational and speech therapy. Physical therapists help seniors regain strength, flexibility, balance, mobility, coordination and endurance. The occupational therapists use everyday activities and routines to overcome physical disabilities. Speech therapists work with those who have developed speech problems because of a stroke or other illness.

Learn more about how Belle Reve's therapy department can help residents return to the life they knew before surgery or illness.

Alzheimer's and Dementia Care

Separate Secure Alzheimer's UnitYes
Residents with mild Dementia living outside of secure unitYes


Private Pay, Medicaid/Medical

Facility Features

TV Room, Beauty Parlor, Laundry Facilities, Housecleaning, Pharmacy, Parking, Guest Speakers,Travel