Spring Hills Princeton

1000 Windrow Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
Assisted Living

Pick your place: Spring Hills Princeton is private or shared, modern but homey. Of course, climate control, TVs, landline phones and many other amenities are included. Every inch is designed to be safe and convenient, but not obviously so: easy-to-navigate hallways, chairs at the right height, call buttons just in case.

We’ll cook: Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks are on the menu in our restaurant-style dining rooms. We cook and eat local (more brats in Wisconsin, more pasta in New Jersey, and produce plucked from our resident gardens).

We’ll clean: Housekeepers thoroughly clean and shine every apartment, and do each resident’s laundry.

Family ties, strengthened: If you’re family, you’re on the team. Families can hold birthday parties in our private dining rooms, go to yoga with Mom and stay in constant touch with Dad’s nurse. And for family members who happen to be animals, many communities are pet-friendly.

Community, involved: Neighbors of all ages mix and mingle with us at live performances, seminars, holiday parties and cook-offs.

A full calendar: Who’s coming to the outdoor exercise class, gardening club, chili cook-off, church service, current events class, shopping expedition, museum trip? Life here is quiet only when residents want it to be.